HIV Tool Kit
The HIV Tool Kit is a great resource that provides the essentials for educating and equipping all persons in the fight for the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
Please click the links provided to open each chapter.

Chapter 1
Chapter 1 provides a basic understanding of HIV/AIDS. Here you will learn how HIV is transmitted, things that put you at risk, how to prevent HIV, how to diagnose, and treatment.
To review Chapter 1, click here.

Chapter 2
Combating Stigma and Discrimination
Stigma is a powerful tool of social control. Stigma is often used to marginalize and exclude certain groups and populations. In the past 25 years, since the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, stigma and homophobia have been big hindrances to HIV prevention.
Here you will learn what stigma is, how stigma appears in various forms, and how you can stop stigma
To review Chapter 1, click here.

Chapter 3
It Starts With Each of You
We, the church, have a very powerful role in the fight against the AIDS pandemic. We cannot fight against AIDS with our eyes closed or with our hands tied behind our back. We must go into the community and talk candidly about HIV/AIDS, what it is about and ways it can be prevented.
Here you will learn how to effectively engage your congreagtion and lead them in this area need. You will find steps on how to start a ministry in your church and raise up leaders within your church who will champion the cause for prevention.
To review Chapter 1, click here.